12 Week Online Tarot Course
This course will take place twice a week for a period of 12 weeks in total.
Each session will last 2 hours, once a week and will be taught by myself. This will take place in a zoom room.
The first section of the course will consist of learning all about the cards and understanding the meanings and the following section will be developing your readings further using the cards in detail.
Throughout the course you will gain the following:-
* Understanding of the cards.
* Deepen your connection with the universe.
* Deepen your intuition.
* Read with accuracy for yourself and others.
* Start your own spiritual business.
At the end of the 12 weeks you will also gain a certificate.​
You will also be placed into a private Facebook group where you will gain access to all the files and information you may need throughout for your support and understanding.
Payment is made upfront to secure placement. This is non refundable so if you cannot make a session then unfortunately you lose out. This is to enable a full teaching programme to give you the very best.
Please note, you will be expected to complete homework.
Paul W
He is an excellent instructor, and has a wealth of knowledge spanning over forty years. What would I recommend,
Absolutely anything regarding spirituality and the ability he has to develop you to a degree of true enlightenment of one’s self.
The next move is yours, make sure it’s the right one. Garry Edwards just a phone call away.